We made waffles tonight. Actually a bit too late for dinner now that we set the time an hour ahead for daylight saving (is it on, or off now??). But we felt like waffles, so waffles it was. :-)
We've had some problems with our waffle iron, as anything we pour into it turns out soggy. But tonight we decided that since it was purchased in Norway we must give it a chance to bake some Norwegian waffles.
Out we went on the internet, to find a suitable candidate for our recipe. It wasn't difficult - I mean who can resist something which claims to be the "world's best recipe for waffles"? :-D
4 egg
400 g sugar
1 kg wheat flour
1 liter whole milk
1 ts natron (hjorthornssalt in Swedish, god knows what in English?)
1 ts vanilla powder
2 ts baking powder
3 dl sour cream
250 g butter/margarine
Start by mixing egg+sugar thoroughly. Then add natron, vanilla powder and baking powder to some of the flour. Now stir in flour and milk in the egg/sugar mix. Melt the butter and pour it into the mix. Let the mixture set for at least an hour.
Add the sour cream right before baking the waffles.
This recipe makes 30-35 delicious waffles.
Serve with sour creme and jam or butter and brown cheese (S prefers the latter).
In Norwegian:
Verdens beste vaffeloppskrift!!!
4 egg
400 g sukker
1 kg hvetemel
1 liter h-melk
1 ts natron
1 ts vaniljesukker
2 ts bakepulver
3 dl seterrømme
250 g smør/margarin
Først blander du egg+sukker godt. Deretter blander du natron, vanlijesukker og bakepulver sammen med en del av melet. Bytt på å ha oppi mel og melk. Smelt smør/margarin og hell dette i røra. La røra stå og godgjøre seg minimum en time.
Bland ut rømmen rett før du begynner å steke.
Du får 30-35 lekre vafler med denne oppskriften. Serveres helst med rømme og syltetøy.
NOTE! We halved this mix and got plenty of waffles. Actually we got way too many, so I'll be having some for lunch tomorrow, and for dinner... :-D
We also used "minimjölk" with only 0.1% fat and it worked well.
But we can't do anything but agree with the "publisher" of this recipe. The waffles were absolutely delicious! I added finely shredded carrots to the mixture for the last waffle and that one tasted a little bit sweeter (if that's possible). If we make these waffles again I will put carrots in more of the mixture.

Så koolt! Kan det verkligen vara möjligt att ett våffeljärn funkar i ett land men inte i ett annat?!
Lova att vi får smaka de där våfflorna när vi kommer?
Jadu, det vette fanken alltså. :-D Vi misstänker ju att det har med wattstyrkan att göra, och kanske är det så turligt att dessa våfflor blir extra goda när man gräddar dem långsamt?
Och ja, vi lovar! :-)
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