It's here, it's released - patch 2.4 of World of Warcraft. :-) Yay!
I happened to read a little about it just recently and was amazed by what Blizzard are adding in this patch. A whole new island and a lot of new quests. It made me want to continue to level up Teéhe again, rather than playing the new character I rolled on the new server. Need to get me one of those fancy flying mounts. :-)

Oh, and I should really be in bed.
Säger bara http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oo93KYxzHZU
The comment prior to this one was left by G. The film is ment to be a WARNING to you two gameing crazies! It was Bästisens children who tipped us about Björn Gustavsson talking about WoW. :OD
AAhhhhh! Ha ha ha :-D Jag har sett Björn Gustafsson prata om WoW i Parlamentet fast en helt annat litet klipp, denna var ju HELT suverän... :-D :-D (skrattade just så högt att Tobias blev helt förskräckt).
(var tvungen att kika igen)
Dessutom påminner Björn Gustafsson mig så grymt mycket om Jönköpings-P ni vet, då blir allt Björn gör ännu mer roligt på något vis. :-D
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