Friday, 25 April 2008

Season's premiere

We had our first dinner on the terrace tonight. Yay! :-)
S even brought out the pillows for the chairs so we were sitting comfortably in the evening sun. I had to put on a jumper (over t-shirt and jeans) but that's pretty much what I had to do all through last summer so the temperature's not too bad. :-)

T was sleeping in his pushchair, it feels good to have him sleeping outdoors in the fresh air.

This weekend we'll put some oil on the outdoor furniture and see if we can rent a device to clean the decking. Spring is here. :-)

1 comment:

Morskan said...

Låter underbart! Känns som att det är några veckor kvar innan vi gör detsamma. Men sånt är livet, som vi säger! :O)