Sunday, 1 November 2009
1.8 kg

Ding 70!
Friday, 30 October 2009
Saturday, 24 October 2009
End of Aion

My conclusion: Easy to play (easier than Oblivion, for sure). But too expensive to subscribe to, or rather, not good enough to spend the monthly money on.
I like my character, I will miss her freckled green-haired energy. :-D

Friday, 9 October 2009

Glomsk, priest (tall and chunky, just like a priest should be, right?)
However the actual game questing and combat is, well, so-so. It doesn't quite cut it to Warcraft standards. But I'll give it that - it could well be 'the new warcraft' to me, if I could only give it the time it needs. It's "pretty" (although, MY GOD why couldn't they animate the robes so that they look at least somewhat real??) and the combat is easy and graphically appealing. The sounds aren't too annoying, the voices ok, the music is good. The quests are reasonably easy to pursue, guiding you into and onto gradually more difficult areas and mobs as you progress your levelling (unlike Oblivion, where you can easily stumble onto an end-game instance-like mob with your newborn character...). The function-keys and menus are semi-logical although for my Warcraft-demented brain my muscle-memory makes me return to the old familiar shortcuts over and over again, to no avail... X-) Some of the built-in features, like maps and navigation and aid to find npc's are stuff that I'd really like to have in Warcraft too.

Teehe, warrior (slender and cute, like a warrior) ;-)
I had lots of fun creating the characters. But will I ever again invest the hours required to get to the point of comfort I am with Warcraft? I doubt it... :-] Tough luck Aion.
What happened to Warcraft?
I haven't had time to look into it but I suspect I used my old credit card to pay for the subscription and now it's no longer valid, ergo, my Warcraft account is temporarily unavailable. I feel a horrible void growing inside, despite not having a single minute of gaming time available. X-)
Will not specifically aim to loose any more weight, but I will be happy if I could get down closer towards 60 kg next year. Can't really diet as I am constantly hungry right now, all due to wee David's habit of eating every hour upon the hour (nearly) when he's awake and I need to make sure I stay upright and lactate well . :-D
Thursday, 8 October 2009

Sunday, 20 September 2009
Ding 69!
Saturday, 5 September 2009
Over to the dark side

Friday, 4 September 2009
The Guild

"The Guild" beats "The Office" hands down... :-D S have been talking about it for a long time but I've never taken the time to watch it before. I just finished the last released episode (season 3, episode 1, released now in September) and I have been laughing a lot these past few hours. Funny thing though, despite watching a show about Warcraft playing nerds the entire evening I haven't actually logged on WoW (or, errh, except to check AH that is) the whole time...
Thursday, 3 September 2009
Sunday, 30 August 2009
Saturday, 29 August 2009

Right, I managed to muster up a few hours to try out Aion before the closed beta was locked and beta testing terminated. I ended up rolling a scout. :-)
Five years

Saturday, 15 August 2009
Chanter or cleric?

When I roll a new character in the closed beta version of Aion online, will I roll a chanter or a cleric? That's the thousand dollar question of the evening.
Chanters are better than clerics for solo play as they can handle more melee as well as heal. But even though they are a little bit hardier than clerics they're pretty useless when the going gets tough and you meet multiple mobs. That means I'd have to pace myself carefully and not advance on the safe side of levelling e.g. focusing on lower level mobs etc. Which in reality is not as much excitement as if you're a little bit ahead of level. Perhaps I should roll a completely different character instead?
These are my options/classes available:
- The Warrior - templar or gladiator (very much the same as warrior and palladin in WoW)
- The Scout - assassin or ranger (rogue or hunter in WoW)
- The Mage - sorcerer or spiritmaster (mage or shaman in WoW)
- The Priest - chanter or cleric (priest in WoW)

Saturday, 1 August 2009
Ding 67!

New baby, new sudden urge to play Warcraft... how do you work this out?? I certainly don't know. X-)
Time to go to bed now, only one level to go before this toon can go to Northrend (new lands available since last expansion "Wrath of the Lich King") but that's for another evening. :-)
Wednesday, 22 July 2009
He's here too

He arrived one day ahead of schedule. Longed for. Loved. :-) Big brother have patted his head and welcomed him home. Both boys are fast asleep now.
We have two boys now, S and I. It is an incredible feeling! We see that David is quite different from Tobias, but most of our rellies think they look very much like eachother. It is going to be über cool to watch our two sons grow up. :-)
Friday, 9 January 2009
A very merry movie marathon Christmas
Thoroughbred wholesome adult relaxation time, perfect for tired parents in varying stages of colds. :-)
We watched:
- Casino Royale (imdb link) - it gets 8.0/10 on imdb and I have to agree with that, it's the best Bond movie since Sean Connery.
- Quantum of Solace (imdb link) - also this one of the best Bond movies in years. I like it for the sense of closure, and it's a twist that you actually learn about Bond's "junior years" in these two films. Daniel Craig is not as "smooth" as some (all?) of the previous Bond's, he doesn't have a very expressive acting style but he wins on the blue eyes, the rough edges and the very realistic action scenes (that may be thanks to the director off course but still).
- Seven Pounds (imdb link) - oh what a film!! It gets ten out of ten from me. It surprised me, it had me crying (just a little) and it had me aww'ing and it's almost too much for a weakened mother's heart to handle. It's awesome and very very different.
- Hancock (imdb link) - Ha ha! I like this film! It was many different films in one and you go from corny "redemption" type film via love story to a sudden hit of sci-fi to end up with a lot of feel-good. :-)
- Constant Gardener (imdb link) - Serious stuff this one. I'm not going to theorise about whether or not this is the way it is out there in reality. But it's a frickin scary movie and it makes me want to be a better person. Apart from that I just LOVE the actual filming technique, it's the first time I've actively noticed a technical aspect like that (in a positive way). It's blurry and unsharp at times, but the flow of movement and people, colours and sound is just awesome. And Ralph Fiennes made it again, another beautifully set slightly dry love story under his belt (note: The English Patient being the other).
- Days of Thunder (imdb link) - a rather sweet and simple minded early 90's film. So close to the eighties that I get the same "embarrassment vibes" as I always get when watching clothes and acting from that time... :-D I'm guessing this is when Tom and Nicole met for the first time.