Friday 2 May 2014

Not lost

I haven't gotten lost at all this week. That must account for something?

But I wonder when the adrenaline levels will start to normalise themselves?
I jump high when I see my own shadow appear unexpectedly, an occasional street sign have made me jump too. I SWEAR a particular street sign right outside my office looks just like an 'enderman' (Minecraft)... :-D (like a little too tall, too skinny, totally black figure which can teleport and scare the sh*t out of you...)
I meet people, releaved every time I realise they're just walking dogs or that they are women. I have nearly stopped dead in my tracks as I rounded a corner and happened on somebody innocently standing there smoking.

But I keep walking, certain that soon all of this will feel totally illogical and a little embarrassing. :-)

1 comment:

Morskan said...

Your brain, body and soul got the worst chock earlier this year. Your body is still ready for battle. :-/

My sweet, sweet baby sister... I'm sending a truckload full of my biggest hugs your way. :-*