I just recorded a new message for the voicemail on my work mobile. I've had the same message since 2002 and I've received a fair amount of flak over it being a little "one time, at bandcamp.." and very Swedish/Australian sounding.
Now, fourteen attempts later I have an updated version sounding EXACTLY the same... *sigh* I suppose that's just how I sound.
Thursday, 29 April 2010
Monday, 26 April 2010
Sunday, 25 April 2010
Wednesday, 14 April 2010
Mystery beach

I don't remember the name of the beach we visited when my sister visited me in Sydney. She reminded me of it, dammit, and now I can't stop thinking about it... *sigh*
Love you sis!
I think it's this one - Google map link.
Or perhaps this one - Google map link.
Thursday, 8 April 2010
Saab 92

NOW I know what I'm going to start saving for... :-)
Apparently the CEO of Saab, Victor Muller has stated that it's a fond idea, even a prioritized idea of his to start manufacturing a new "retro model" Saab based on the old favorite Saab 92. Much like the "new Beetle" by Volkswagen and the "new Mini" by Mini. :-)
However - this piece of delicious news happened to appear in media just exactly on the 1st of April so I'm not going to put away a whole bundle of money. But then again... if it DOES happen, I will want to have one. I will. I really really will. ;-)
More info in English: http://blogs.motortrend.com/6661914/corporate/exclusive-victor-muller-shows-us-new-saab-92-sketch-calls-it-top-priority/index.html
More info in Swedish: http://www.dn.se/ekonomi/muller-vill-bygga-ny-saab-92-1.1074111
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