Tuesday 14 July 2015

Half and half


Some time ago I realised I have possibly less years left to live than what I have lived already. Which means I'm at a half way point in life. It's rather fitting, I feel.
I am quite literally at a turning point too.

I am living on my own. Part time with my wonderful, rambunctious, arguing, intelligent, beautiful children. Part time on my own alone. I own my own house (weee!). I have a decent job which magically manages to keep me interested year in and year out (twenty years this year).
I love my body. Not all of the time, not for all of it's quirks, but more and more so as time goes. My body is not perfect, but that's not the point. It's AWESOME, fricken hell the things it has done and the places it has carried me through... :-)

I know I should've done many many things.
Should've. Should have. Schmould have. Never mind. I haven't done them. That's that. Not much I can change about that.
Regret is a wasteful emotion.

Question is, what will I do with the rest of my years? :-)

Saturday 11 July 2015

This makes me so happy


That smile.

Baby wearing glasses for the first time and for the first time able to see clearly. :-)
The optometrists working with my son have done such a terrific job getting him from half-blind to 100%. They've been patient, kind, supportive and our trips there have most of the time been a blast because we try to make it "we time". :-) Naturally some of the success comes from the fact that I believe my son's reaction to his first glasses (the ones he borrowed from nana!) was something like this and he keeps trooping on wearing his glasses all the time. :-)